Amazon's free video streaming service Amazon mini TV recently released a patriotic drama series Naam Namak Nishaan Naam Namak Nishan, set against the backdrop of the Officers Training Academy (OTA) in Chennai. The show offers a deep dive into the world of aspiring soldiers, the series delves into the intense training and deep bond formed among cadets so they are prepared to serve their nation with honor and bravery. The series is produced by Juggernaut Studios and showcases an impressive cast that provides depth to the characters. The show received massive success and a positive response from the audience.
Helly Shah reveals about her character
The renowned actress Helly Shah who portrays the role of Dr. Tina in the series, shares her insights on the show and why it is must must-watch, She believes Naam Namak Nishan is a complete package. Viewers can look forward to a genuine portrayal of cadets' training and the strong bond between the characters. They shot a real locations and interacted with real cadets, which adds to the authenticity of the series. The hard work and dedication from everyone involved will truly stand out and she is confident that audiences will love it.
Helly gives a glimpse of memorable moments