Amazon's free video streaming service, Amazon mini TV, recently released the bromance of the dramedy series Namacool. The series is set in the bustling streets of Lucknow and follows the lives of two friends, Mayank and Piyush. In the show, They are in their second year of college. The show features an ensemble starring stubbed cats including Anushka Kaushik, Faisal Malik, Hina Khan, Abinav Sharma, Aaron Koul, and Abhishek Bajaj in prominent roles.
Anushka Kaushik shared her experience
Anushka Kaushik essays the role of a rising content creator Minty. She shared her experience and stated that she was unfamiliar with everyone in the cast since had not worked with them before. When she shot the first scene, which happened to be a kissing scene, she was unsure about how to approach it as she was still getting to know her fellow cast members. However, when they came together on the set, their goal was to ensure the success of the series. They all had a wonderful time shooting in Lucknow. They shared great food, loud laughter, and happiness. Working with Ritam, their director has not only been professionally rewarding but has also led to a lifelong friendship.
Hina Khan talks about Namacool