Amazon's free video streaming service Amazon Mini TV recently released the premiere of its patriotic drama series Namak Namak Nishan. The show generated significant buzz on interest as it follows the story of Young Cadets. The show explores the challenges and overcome obstacles to becoming Indian soldiers at the Officers Training Academy, Chennai. This inspirational story embodies the indomitable spirit and unity of the Indian Armed Forces, who are always dedicated to serving the nation. The show is produced by Juggernaut Studios, Namak Namak Nishan is brought to life and an outstanding cast, featuring Varun Sood, Roshni Walia, Helly Shah, and Danish Sood in the lead roles.
Danish Sood reveals about his character
Danish Sood the renowned versatile actor who portrays the role of Gurbaaz Sing, a lower middle class boy, sheds light on his character. He stated that Gurbaaz is a carefree, Middle-class boy with big dreams of joining the Indian Army. His innocent outlook on life leads him on a journey of self-discovery, where to learns to embrace his identity through self-love and humor. Along the way, he gains a better understanding of himself, and the people around him and figures out how must navigate life as he matures. His character reflects the journey of a middle-class boy and the struggles he faces.
About Namak Namak Nishan show