Amazon's free video streaming service Amazon Mini TV recently released a teenage school drama, Sisterhood. The series is all about all-girls schools S.I.S.T.R.S. Convent School. The show centered around four girls friends Ann, Gargee, Zoya, and Nikita. The show has garnered immense attention and praise from the audience. The show memorized school life and their activities. Sisterhood is about how the students navigate their spirit of adolescence, personal growth, betrayal, and companionship. The show has an ensemble star cast and the performance is really admirable.
The actress Bhagyashree Limaye who takes the role of Ann in the series, recalled he school days and says how she reconnected her old school days with an on-screen character. She stated, There were times when she did not have friends. She is a very shy person, she doesn't even know where to sit and why to sit. When she tried to enter the class there was no group that she belonged to. Feeling like you don't belong is the worst, and she has experienced that, which is why she could relate her character to her school days. She said that the character she should have chosen to play in Sisterhood is not Ann, sharing that if she had a chance to swap characters, She would choose Nikita because she always found that character very fascinating. Everyone on the sets knew the character was one of her favorites, She is a total badass.