Amazon's free video streaming service A,azon Mini TV is all set to entertain the audience with a new school drama that explores audiences' school memories. The show unfolds in an all girls convent school. The school drama focuses on the lives of four girls' best friends Ann, Zoya, Gargee, and Nikita. The show showcases the struggles they have faced during school life the personal issues and relationships that are made and some breaks during that life. The show uncovers their authentic identities and forges the deep connections and the highs and lows of school life.
Nidhi Bhanushali recalls her memorable moments
Nidhi Bhanushali is one of the best actors and breathes life into the character. She portrays the role of Gargee, who is a curious and talented girl, who recalls her experience of working with her co-stars. She stated Due to early call times, they used to spend most of their time together from workshops to meals. They practically used to go back home only too deep. Apart from that, her morning yoga, pranayam, and ashtanga were fun together. They used to mock her for their daily routines.
Nidhi reveals her experience of working