Ajayante Randam Moshanam (ARM)" is an action-adventure film in Malayalam, directed by Jithin Laal and featuring Tovino Thomas in the lead role. Released on September 12, 2024, this 3D film produced by Listin Stephen and Jakariya Thomas tells the story of the teenage heroes of Uttar Pradesh Kerala. It features the performances of Surabhi Lakshmi, Kriti Shetty and Aishwarya Rajesh, enriched with the musical score by Dhibu Ninaan Thomas, which promises a captivating cinematic experience to the viewers. Initially the film was shot in 2D and later it was converted into 3D, at that time the film was reportedly made on a budget of approximately ₹30 crore.
Reports indicate that the film released for Onam is being prepared for its upcoming debut. It is expected to be available on Disney+Hotastar, whose streaming is expected to start soon. However, official confirmation regarding the upcoming release is still pending. The Fans are now eagerly excited to watch the show online in their comfort Zone.