The recently released horror comedy-drama series Bloody Ish features Vardhaan Puri and Avika Gaur in the prominent role. The show was started premiere on the streaming platform Disney Plus Hotstar. The film is directed by the popular director Vikram Bhatt and produced by Mahesh Bhatt. However, the film has received negative reviews from the audience as well as critics, as the Bhatts are not to create magic this time.
Vardhaan reveals his working experience
Talking about his working experience with Mahesh Bhatt, Vardhaan reveals that, as an artist was so blessed that Bhatt Sahab used to visit them on set and be next to them while they were performing. The way Bhatt Sahab understands the human psyche, he thinks even a psychiatrist and psychologist won't understand because Bhatt Sahaba has seen so much in life. Bhatt Sahab has been through failed relationships, his stint with alcohol, his stint with cinema, his relationship with his children, everything is just amazing. When Mahesh Sir gives instructions to your eyes, and explains a particular scene is written in a certain way, but the subtext is different. He was doing a scene, Mahesh Sir said he was just looking in the form of his eyes like he does. The experience of working with them is wonderful and he has learned a lot from the film and team.
Vardhaan Puri's ventures