Kishkindha Kaandam is a Malayalam Psychology Thriller drama series which is directed by the ace director Dinjith Ayyathan. The film marks Dinjith's second project after his debut with "Kakshi Amminipilla". The Show is generated immense buzz on the internet ahead of its release. The screenplay, story, and dialogues are crafted by Bahul Ramesh, while the film is produced by Joby George under the Goodwill Entertainment Banner. The film is set to made its theatrical debut on 12th of the September 2024. The fans are generated storm on the internet with the excitement. The viewers are eagerly excited to watch the show online in their comfort Zone.
Kishkindha Kaandam has created history by becoming the first solo lead film to cross the figure of ₹50 crore at the box office. After its impressive release, audiences are eagerly waiting for the upcoming release of the film to get another chance to enjoy it. According to reports, the film's online and satellite titles were sold for ₹12 crore, with which Disney+ Hotastar has achieved the digital streaming title. It is expected to be released on the open platform in the last week of October or the first week of November, although official confirmation is yet to come. Stay tuned to this site for updates on the digital release of the film.