The new comedy-drama series Life Hil Gayi featuring Divyendu Sharam in the lead role is set to entertain the audience with its comedy thriller dialogue and characters. We show Life Hill Gyi promises a blend do humor and Chaos. The show follows the journey of two privileged Siblings, Dev and Kalki. They must prove their worth to inherit their Grandfather's estate. The comedy thriller web show is produced by Aarushi Nishank and Himashri Films. The Laughter Riot is directed by Prem Mistry and written by JJasmeet Singh Bhatia. The show stars Kusha Kapila who takes the role of Kalki alongside Mukti Mohan and Vinay Pathak. The show has garnered immense attention and praise from the audience. It captivates the audience with its gripping and thrilling laughter riot.
Aarushi Nishank is talking about the film
Producer Aarushi Nishank is talking about the film and sharing her excitement about the project. He stated Life Hill Gyi is a relatable comedy-drama set in the heartland of India. Along with it, having her roots in Uttarakhand itself, she always wanted to show the beauty of this state to the world and this show offers just a sneak peek into the heaven Uttarakhand is. They have the dream team with Prem Mistry on the director's chair Kusha Kapila and Divyendu Sharma taking on sibling characters and Disney Plus Hotstar bringing this world to all.
Kusha Kapila shares her excitement