In the highly awaited tale of coming of age drama featuring three adults Divyendu Sharma, Kusha Kapila, and Vinay Pathak. This comedy-drama series captures the journey of two siblings Dev and Kalki. They are forced to abandon their opulent lifestyles and work together to revive their grandfather's dilapidated Hotel Good Morning Woods Villa in Panchmoli, a small village of Uttrakhand. Along the tale, the show dives into the Mundane matters of family life as seen through the eyes of these remarkable individuals, showing that despite superficial differences in riches and vanity.
Life Hill Gayi Plot
The show Life Hill Gayi is all set against a rich, haughty family, and it is a comedy. It is often a good take on comedy and does not take itself seriously, but perhaps it could be tried. The plot revolves around Desi David Rose and Alexis Rose minus nay charm and aura that they had. If they need the credit cards they fuel their lifestyle, they need to earn them by running their grandpa's Villa successfully. From the richest family, Their grandpa challenged them to turn a abandoned property into a successful hotel so that they might prove themselves worthy of the family's fortune. At that moment, they had no idea, where to start.
Life Hill Gayi's cast and performance