The highly anticipated drama show Taaza Khabar has made a return with its new installment to entertain the audience. The show captures the audience with its gripping crime thriller tale and powerful performance. The show comes back with new twists and turns. Taaza Khabar Season 2 was produced by Rohit Raj and Bhuvan Bam under the banner of BB Ki Vines and produced and directed by Himank Gaur. The show is making waves on the internet with its power-packed performance. The first season of the show received a positive response and garnered immense attention and love from the audience. The fans are now eagerly excited to watch the new bone-chilling story. Bhuvan Bam and Jaaved Jaaferi both are renowned and talented legends of the industry. They are the lead role player in the show.
Javed Jaaferi is one of the renowned and versatile actors and recently he si collaborated with YouTuber Bhuvan Bam in a thrilling drama show Taaza Khabar Season 2. Talking about his working experience Javed stated, Collaborating with Bhuvan has been a fantastic experience. Initially, he wasn't familiar with short video content, but he heard about Bhuvan's popularity and checked out his work. It's impressive how he has tapped into a new form of entertainment that didn't exist in his life. He found him to be very warm and respectful. Their first in-person meeting was at an awards show where he was presenting an award. Later when the director felt he could fit the role of Yusuf, Bhuvan and I discussed it, and he was stuck by his maturity and understanding of the business. Bhuvan has carved out a significant niche in the industry, which speaks volumes about his ability to resonate with people and stay relevant.