Amidst high expectations and excitement, the much-awaited Korean drama Fiery Priest 2 is premiering today, 8th November. Directed by Lee Myung-Woo and Park Bo-Ram, this comedy drama is the next installment in the 2019 series Fiery Priest and the directors are loving it. People are eagerly waiting for the next installment and finally their wait is coming to an end. Airing from February 15 to April 20, 2019, the first season of The Fiery Priest ran for 20 episodes and quickly became a hit. It achieved immense popularity, thus emerging as the highest rated short-lived drama of the year by the public press and cementing its status as one of the top rated dramas of 2019.
The Fiery Priest 2 will be premiering today, November 8th in Korea and other countries on select networks. For inter-continental darshans including India, this drama will give justice to the Hotstar from which the place will be attained. time slot, 6:30 pm ist. There are a total of 12 episodes in the second season, with nine episodes airing each week on Friday and Saturday.