After the much anticipations, the highly awaited Korean Drama Series The Fiery Priest is recently gearing up for its second installment. The show is now finally premiered last month that is a big treat for the Korean Fans. The show is directed by Park Bo Ram and Lee Myung Woo, the comedy drama is all set to serves as a much anticipated sequel of the 2019 smash hit The Fiery Priest. The Show is not only garnered much love and positive response, it is also leave a lasting impact on the viewers with its thrilling comedy tale and powerful performance. Fans, who have been waiting for the next chapter were finally rewarede when the second season premiered three weeks ago. The Inagural Season of the The Fiery Priest which is premiere from 15th of February, to 20th of April, 2019 which is contains 20 episodes and quickly captivated the audiences. It is garnered critical acclaim and achieved significant viewership, earning the contrast of being high rated miniseries on public broadcast in 2019, solidifying its status as one of the most notable dramas of the year.
The Fiery Priest season 2 episode 8 is set to premiere for its release on 30th of the November airing on the SBS for the Korean viewers. The previous episodes of the show is captures much attention and love from the viewers that is generated immense buzz on the internet. The previous episodes leave the fans eager for more. The makers now treats the fans with its new episode of the show which is filled with new twists and turns. The new episode of the show is set to premiere on the streaming platform Disney Plus Hotstar for the International viewers including India. The second season of this much anticipated show is contains total 12 epsiodes and makers are dropped each new episode on the every Friday and Saturday. The fans are eagerly excited to watch the show online in theri comfort Zone. The Show is perfect weaves of comedy, drama, humor and romance.