In September, Hotstar created a stir with the launch of its much anticipated Korean drama, The Judge From Hell, which stars Park Shin-Hay and Kim Je Yang. The show's announcement sparked excitement among the audience who were eager to start the show. Since its premiere, the show has gained immense popularity and has received a lot of attention thanks to its debut episode. The entertaining trailer drew attention to drama premieres across the world, especially in India, where viewers are lost in romantic and mysterious horror. The Show is garnered immense attention and love from the viewers. The Show is received positive response and love from Korean fans from its premiere.
The Judge From Hell episode 13 will premiere today, November 1, 2024, bringing another romantic chapter for its judges. This romantic drama follows a constant release schedule, with nine episodes airing every Friday and Saturday at 10:00 pm, which is aired at 6:30 pm for viewers in India. The series consists of 14 episodes, all presented in Korean language with English subtitles, ensuring that international viewers can immerse themselves in this entertaining story in a completely different way. Its last episode 2nd November is about to be released. The fans are eagerly excited to watch the show online in their comfort Zone.