One of the highly Indian Animated series Hanuman was created by the director Sharad Devrajan, J. Kanhg, and Charuvi Agarwal from the OTT project. The series is a must-watch and garnered immense praise from the fans. The captivating storyline and character generated immense buzz among the audience. The web show's story is all about the god Mahadev and Lord Hanuman, which is streaming on the OTT platform Disney + Hotstar.
The legend of Hanuman's Season 4 is released on the OTT platform Disney + Hotstar. Its first season has 13 episodes and was released on 29 January 2021. The second season comprises 13 episodes and was released on 27 July 2021. The third season has six exposed, released on January 12, 2024. Season, First and second episodes will be streamed on 5 June 2024.