The highly anticipated web show The Legend Of Hanuman explores the story of Lord Rama and Hanuman. Following the success of its beloved season 3, The Legend of Hanuman made an awaited comeback with its fourth season last month. This series continues to captivate the audience with its compelling storyline and portrayal of Hnauman's journey of self discovery. The new season of the delves deeper into the story of Hanuman's adventure. It focuses on the journey of humble Vaanra who has lost touch with his divine nature. The narrative emphasizes the support Hanuman receives from others, aiding him in reconnecting with his inner deity. Daman Bagan lent his voice to Hanuman, while Sharad Kelkar voiced Ravan, Stirring significant excitement among fans. The anticipation is palpable for the digital premiere of The Legend of Hanuman Season 4 Episode 7.
The Legend of Hanuman Season 4 Episode 7 release date and platform
The eagerly awaited seventh episode of the web show The Egend of Hanuma Season 4 is scheduled to premiere exclusively on Disney Plus Hotstar on July 11, 2024. Consistent with the series, the show will be available from midnight. The fans eagerly await to watch the show. The legend of Hanuman has garnered immense praise for its captivating storyline and character.
Follow the steps to watch The Legend of Hanuman Season 4