The action comedy film is directed by the ace director Vysakh, who is one of the popular directors. The film is produced by Mammotty Kampany, Mammotty's own production house company. Christo Xavier produced the music and background score. The screenplay was penned by Midhun Manuel Thomas. Vishnu Sarma managed the cinematogra[hy of the movie Turbo. The movie is a highly anticipated film that hit the big screen on 23 May 2024. In the movie, Raj B. Shetty, Sunil, and Mammotty are in prominent roles.
Turbo OTT release Buzz
According to media reports, the OTT platform Disney + Hotsstar secures the digital rights for the film. The exact date for its digital release is yet to be pending. The movie turned out to be a super hit and made its OTT debut on the streaming Platform Disney + Hotstar. The fans are eagerly awaiting the release. The film generated significant buzz among the fans.
Turbo cast