The trailer of "The Magic Of Shiri" released by JioCinema Premium has aroused some interest among the viewers. Set to premiere on November 14, it brings to life the story of a woman named Shiri, who aspires to become the world's leading magician in order to confront gender bias and racism in the costume industry. The Show is captures the attention of the audience with its gripping thriller tale and platform. The show is generated immense buzz on the internet ahead of its release.
The Magic Of Shiri is a production under Jio Studios, in which Jyoti Deshapande is acting as the creator of the book titled Tanveer of Ding Infinite. This poem throws light on the life of Shiri, who is a determined person, who struggles to make his place in the world of Magic. Jaaved Jaaferi plays an important role as a mysterious Jaadoogar, while also contributing to the story in an important role, namely Das. The story highlights Shiri's unwavering resolve to embrace challenges as a single emotion or a single inner drive to achieve greatness in an industry full of challenges.