Amazon MX Player, Amazon's free video streaming platform, has launched a series of teen romances that have captured the heart of many viewers. This show takes the viewers back to Ritu and Anuj's life, during their lonely journey they share the secrets of their youthful love. After the tremendous success of its first season, this series returns to shed light on the challenges of adulthood and to enlighten others by making a sense of the relationship between the difficulties of being big. Produced and directed by Saqib Pandor and Guneet Monga Kapoor's Oscar-winning production house, produced by Sikhya Entertainment, In Gutar Gu Season 2 Vishesh Bansal and Ashlesha Thakur, who reprises his role as Kramashah Anuj and Ritu, his beloved Patron.
Producer Guneet Moonga Kapoor revealed what exactly makes Gutar Gu Esa 2 so special, adding, "The young artist has brought a lot of originality and emotion to the project. It will debut in the form of a short film in 2021, the title of which is Gupta. The knowledge was there, and it has evolved with the increasing demand." A chain which is close to our friend's heart. It has been created from the excerpts from our earlier love stories. With the support of Amazon MX Player, we are excited to show you how Ritu and Anuj tackle this issue with a friend. "There is a constant demand for this, where our viewers are watching with us, because we are facing a special challenge."