The suspense crime thriller drama series Hasseen Dillruba is returning with its second installment titled Phir Aayi Haseen Dilruba. The Show starring Taaspee Pannu, Sunny Kaushal, and Vikrant Massey in the prominent role si generated an immense buzz among the audience. The drama series is a perfect blend of humor, comedy, crime, romance, and suspense. The prominent cats reveal some surprising sides to the leading lady.
Vikrant Massey opened up about being scolded by Taapsee
The renowned actor Vikrant Massey who is portraying the role of Rishu in the first Season of Haseen Dillruba. He is revealed to be on the receiving end of Taapsee's strict demeanor. He got scolded a lot by Taapsee, He recalls that during the first season, the set was a five-minute walk from their hotel. When they used to go for lunch, he would still take 10 minutes and she would say you live just 5 minutes away and still arrive 10 minutes late.
Sunny Kaushal reveals about Taapsee Pannu