Kartik Aryan actor is back to enthrall the viewers once again in the third installment of the much awaited Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, his beloved horror-comedy series. Directed by Anees Bazmee and written by Aakash Kaushik, the film continues the legacy that started with the original Bhool Bhulaiya in 2007. The Horror Comedy Show is generated immense buzz on the internet. The Show is garnered immense love and attention from the viewers. The film is recived positive respone from the viewers and doing very well at the box office. The next installment, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, which was released in 2022, proved to be a big hit at the box-office, rekindling the fans of the French franchise. With the launch of Karthik's new chapter, the excitement is very high as the viewers are looking forward to the twists and thrills that are to come in person. This story promises salvation.
Famous as a romantic mix of horror, suspense, comedy and entertaining twists, Bhool Bhulaiya 3 is ready to entertain the audience with its entertaining storytelling and entertaining performances. Along with a lot of anticipation among the fans, some people are eagerly awaiting the news regarding its release on the platform, eager to know when they can stream the film online. According to recent reports, Netflix has reportedly secured the streaming rights for Bhool Bhulaiya 3. Following the trends seen with the recent release, Kartik Aryan is expected to debut on the digital platform at the end of December, after about a month of its launch. The fans are eagerly excited to watch the show online.