Almost nine years after Dilwale the renowned actress Kriti Sanon and Kajol reunited for the upcoming gripping thriller show Do Patti. The show is one of the much anticipated drama that is grabbed the much attention from the viewers. The show is generated immense buzz on the internet after its digital release announcement. Do Patti is directed by debutante Shashanka Chaturvedi and written by Kanika Dhillon. The highy stakes drama Do patti is marks National Award Winning actress Kriti Sanon's debut as a producer. The movie is a gripping thriller tale that is resonated the viewers with its thrilling experience. The Movie is jointly produced by Kriti Sanon's Blue Butterfly Films and Kanika's Katha pictures.
The popular stars Kriti Sanon and Kajol starrer upcoming film Do Patti will have a direct to digital premiere on the streaming platform. The show is a thrilling drama that is set to premiere on the streaming platform Netflix on 25th of the October. The makers and the OTT Streaming giant took to their social media handle and announced the release date of the film with a hilarious promotional video. The release date announced where offered a sneak peek of the cat and mouse chase game, setting the tone of the movie. The vide also hints at Kirti playing a double role as Kirti 2.0 enters the same frame in the release date announcement.