The thriller film directed by Shashank Chaturvedi is set to be released on Netflix. In the last three years, streamers got the bad practice of creating damping grounds for less palatable films. Behind the face of a deep smile, a world of untold stories is hidden, and the smile of many women hides the simple pain of mistreatment in the sanctity of their homes. The real reality is that domestic violence has become a widespread but hidden issue and many are trapped in silence. Do Patti courageously shines a light on the vast inner world, portraying a world opposite to that of a people who have the courage to speak out against their caste and find the strength to voice their struggle.
Soumya and Shaili are like Jewish sisters, who become orphans at a young age. The only caretaker who takes care of her alone is lovingly called Maa Ji. Saumya has been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder and hence she needs extra care and attention. She finds herself incapable of getting less love and attention in comparison to her sister. He spent most of his childhood in a hostel across from home. That year, she returned home with the express intention of taking away all the things from her sister; And that includes her new love Dhruv (Shaheer Sheikh), who is the son of a powerful minister and is a professional paraglider. Soumya's boyfriend Dhruv. A rich scoundrel, after losing a business deal, decided to marry Soumya after his father's objection. Only one reason: It is so simple that it fits in the simple daughter in law. But he is short-tempered and resorts to domestic violence to overcome his frustration of getting ahead of the curve in business.