The highly anticipated action thriller comedy-drama series Kleo is all set to once agin entertain the audience with its gripping narrative and powerful characters. The makers of the show are set to add one another installment with new twists and turns. The show is directed by the popular directors Richard Kropf, Hanno Hackfor, and Bob Konrad. The show's first season generated immense buzz internet and among the audience. The show has garnered significant praise and love from the viewers and the first season left the audience wanting more. Now the makers are treating the fans with a new installment Season 2 with the thrilling drama Series. East German Stasi Assassian with Kleo Straub who was falsely framed and imprisoned by her agency. When she is released after two years, she plans to take her revenge on the conspirators.
Kleo Season 2 release date and plaftorm
After the massive success of Season 1, the makers unveil Season 2. The fans are eagerly watching the second season of this highly awaited drama series. No, the show is returning with its second installment and set to hit the screen digitally on the streaming platform Netflix from 25th July. Season 2 will continue the story of a Former German spy and her revenge. The show is one of the highly awaited series that contains a total of six parts and is set in the 1990s. The show Kelo is a massive hit among the viewers.
Kleo Season 2 cast