The OTT giant Netflix and TVF's production Kota Factory Season 3 is a compelling story that follows the life of students preparing for highly competitive exams JEE and AIIMS in Rajasthan's district Kota. The teenage students leaving behind their homes and loved ones stay in an unfamiliar city with big dreams and face new challenges in a new environment. The show has garnered immense attention from the audience for its captivating storyline and stellar performance.
Mayur More, Alam Khan, and Ranjan Raj reveal about their on-screen friendship
Talking about their bond Mayure More shares that it's rare to share the same bond with someone both onscreen and offscreen, but Kota Factory has given him friends he can count on for life. Throughout three seasons, He has created unforgettable memories with the entire cast. Adding to this, Ranjan Raj shares that When he started shooting from the Kota factory for few years ago, He never expected to become so emotionally connected to the entire cast. He knows he can rely on them for any Support or help, and they can do the same with him. Alam Khan agrees and says that their bonds offscreen mirror those of their character in the show. They are honest, supportive, and always motivating each other. They have had so much fun while shooting, making the entire experience worthwhile.
About Kota Factory Season 3