Lucky Baskhar is a gripping 2024 Telugu-language period crime drama directed by Venky Atluri. Set against the backdrop of an era marked by social upheaval and power struggles, the film delves into the life of Bhaskar, a charismatic yet ruthless individual who rises from humble beginnings to command the dangerous underworld. His journey is fueled by a mix of ambition, luck, and the relentless pursuit of power, where every decision he makes intertwines fate with fortune.
The film explores Baskhar's complex character as he navigates a labyrinth of crime, loyalty, betrayal, and redemption. His ascent in the criminal world comes with heavy personal costs—his relationships, morality, and identity are constantly tested. At its core, Lucky Baskhar isn't just a tale of a criminal mastermind, but a profound narrative about the choices we make and the consequences they bring.