One of the popular and highly anticipated web drama series Maamla Legal Hai is gearing up for the success of its second season. The courtroom drama captures the audience with its gripping storyline and talented cast. The show has included Ravi Kishan, Nishi Bisht, Anjum Batra, Naila Grewal, and Anant Joshi in the prominent roles. The show started streaming on the OTT platform Netflix earlier this year. The audience showers immense love for its cast and powerful characters. The show premiered without much buzz but after its release, the series received a fantastic response and was even trending on the streaming platform Netflix for a few weeks.
Naila Grewal talks about the show and her experience of season 1
Naila Grewal speaking about when they started filming, says they are in the process of writing right now. It is being written so hopefully within a few months, it will go on the floors. Naila Grewal also reveals that, Firstly when they read the script, it was so well written on paper and she was so pleased to read a script that was almost like a book, she enjoyed reading it. She just sat one afternoon, and she read it from start to finish, and genuinely for the first time she read a script where she could envision every scene come to life. She was like how is this a real-life story? She couldn't get over the fact that actually cours mein insaan ko bake like it's a real thing that happened.
Naila Grewal reveals the cast