Following the success of the superhit Korean Drama, the OTT giant Netflix is now gearing up for the latest OTT Korean drama release Miss Night and Day. The Korean web show is a perfect blend of laughter and suspense as it follows the story of a 20s girl The show has garnered immense attention for its first three episodes. The web show has a total of 16 episodes and the first three episodes are released and make the audience keen for the next episode. Miss Night and Day web show has received positive feedback from the viewers.
Miss Night and Day episode 4 Platform and release date
The Korean drama leaves every excited to watch the fourth episode after releasing three episodes. The third episode will be released on 22 June and the third episode will be released on 23 June. The show is released episodes on Saturday and Sunday. The Korean drama is streaming on the OTT platform Netflix. the series will consist total of 16 episodes. Miss Night and Day is all about the story of a young girl who is struggling for success.
Miss Night and Day's plot and cast