Following the success of the popular Korean drama series, The Atypical Family and Queen Of Drama series, The streaming platform Netflix is now riding high on the popularity of another Korean Drama, Miss Night and Day. Miss Night and Day is the suspense thriller drama which is the perfect blend of struggle, comedy, and suspense. the show has an ensemble talented star cast including Lee Jun Eun, Jung Eun Ji, and Choi Jin Hyuk in prominent roles. The Korean drama series was streamlined on the OTT platform earlier this month and has already received positive feedback from the viewers.
Miss Night and Day Episode 5 release date and platform
With the release of four episodes, the web show Miss Night and Day captivates the audience and wins the hearts of the viewers. Now the fans are eagerly awaiting its fifth episode. Miss Night and Day streamed its fourth episode last week on the OTT giant Netflix. The upcoming episode five is set to stream on 29 June. The makers of the show released two new episodes every Saturday and Sunday. The series contains a total of 16 episodes, with the finale scheduled for August. The show is usually watched by Indian viewers who are fans of Korean Dramas.
Miss Night and Day episode 5 plot