The Malayalam thriller Film Nadikar helmed by Lal Jr. and written by Suvin S. Somashekharan,Is produced by Mythri Movies Makers and Godspeed Cinema. Featuring Tovino Thomas in the lead role. The show is one of the much awaited show that is captured the attention of the audience. The film Nadikar is generated immense buzz on the internet ahead of its release. The show is massive hit among the fans with its thriller tale and powerful performance. The Malayalam thriller film is boasts a talented and versatile star stubbed cast including much talented actors.
According to recent reports, Netflix has halted the release of Nadikar. Sources suggest that the popular streaming platform made the decision due to disagreements with the film's producers over the value of streaming titles. Directed by Laal Juniyar and starring Tovino Thomas, the film's box office results are not as good as expected and received negative reviews, prompting Netflix to reevaluate renegotiate the deal. The OTT Release of Nadikar is happened when matter is resolved.