The drama series Haseen Dillruba graced the big screen after three years with its new sequel titled, Haseen Dillruba. The thrilling drama series stars Taapsee Pannu, Vikrant Massey, and Sunny Kaushal in the lead roles. Taapsee Pannu has made a dashing return on OTT as Rani Kashyap for the dark comedy thriller. Now the fans are eagerly awaiting to watch the thrilling drama series. The makers promise the audience with an adrenaline-pumping experience.
The thriller film is directed by Jayprad Desai and written by Kanika Dhillon, Vikrant Massey, and Taapsee Pannu are all set to reprise their role as Rishu and Rani in the much-awaited sequel Phir Aayi Haseen Dillruba. The new cast added as Sunny Kaushal also joined and reprised the role of Abhimanyu. The film also stars Jimmy Shergill and Aditya Srivastav in the prominent roles. Amidst the significant buzz, the much-anticipated drama series Phir Aayi Haseen Dillruba is all set to be released on the streaming platform Netflix on the 9th of August.