The beloved show Sector 36 that is premiere on the streaming plaftorm Netflix Sector 36, has captivated the audience since its release on 13th of September. The show is massive hit and captures the attention of the audience. The show is proudced by Maddock Films, and Jio Studios features, Deepak Dobriyal and Vikrant Massey in compelling roles. In the show The actor Vikrant Massey is portray the role of chilling psychopath while Deepak Dobruiyal takes the role of a dedicated police officer. The show is direcetd by Aditya Nimbalkar, the film has received high praised for its intense scens, particulary an interrogation that stands out. The interogation scene between Ram Charan Pandey and Prem Singh is set in a dimly lit room. Massey's portrayl of a deranged serial killer and Dobriyal's restraine performance as an officer grappling with anger have left viewers spellbound.
The actor Vikrant Massey expressed his gratitued for the positive feedback. He is truly overwhelmed by incredible reactions the film received, especially for the interrogation scene, which is easily his favourite. There was something raw and unfiltered about that moment, Deepak Sir and he deeply immersed in their characters that everything else fade away. It was just the three of them, Deepak Sir, Bharul Sir and him, completley abosrbed in the intensity of the scene. That level of immersion is rare, and he think that's why the scene resonated so strongly with the audience. The energy is that room was palpable and he is grateful they were able to capture it on screen.