The Great Indian Kapil Sharma Show is an outstanding comedy reality show that is streaming on Netflix every week. In the show, different characters entertain the audience with their captivating and laughing joke. Kapil Sharma invites a celebrity guest every week to the show. Last week renowned actor Aamir Khan made a dashing appearance at the show and revealed some hidden truths about his life, kids, and career. Now this time In the sixth episode of the show, Comedian Kapil Sharma once again captivates the audience. The sixth Episode of The Great Indian Kapil Sharma Show is set to release on Netflix. This time B town brothers Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol will grace the stage as guests.
The Sixth Episode of the Kapil Sharma Show
The OTT giant Netflix, Dropped a teaser of The Great Indian Kapil Sharma Show's upcoming episode and the guest, who made an appearance at the show. Netflix wrote a caption, Finally, the date is fixed of Deol's brothers' appearance. In the video clip, Comedian Kapil Sharma Introduces the Deol brothers arguing with them about something. While Bobby Deol is silent Sunny Deol exclaims that the show will be a hit if Bobby Deol isn't silent. Later the makers dropped a teaser showing that the Deol brothers engaging in a candid discussion with Kapil Sharma about their recent success and challenges and struggles they have faced in the Bollywood industry.
Episode's release Date, Time and platform