The Judge from Hell is a Korean Drama that began airing in 2024, borrowing elements from supernatural, crime, and romance. However, in this story's central character, Kang Bit Na is a female judge, a devil who has been sent to Earth to punish unrepentant sinners by inhabiting the body of a female judge. As the black-handed Bit Na carries out drastic judgments, she runs into detective Han Da On, whose ideals in justice defy her mission. The encounters between Bit Na and Da On complicate her black-and-white view of morality, leading to personal transformation as she balances her demonic duty with human emotions.
Full of action and fantasy, stuffed with romantic tension, it addresses themes of justice, redemption, and what punishment should be, on the premise of character dynamics as the judge and detective evolve throughout the series, and can go beyond the typical crime shows.