The eagerly awaited Korean drama Brewing Love finally made its debut on November 4, enthralling fans across the world. Directed by director Park San-ho, this romantic series brings together influential actors including Kim Se-jong, Lee Jong-won, Shin Do-hyeon and Baek Sung-chul in an amazing world. The show is quickly captures the attention of the audience with its gripping thriller tale and powerful performance. The Show is garnered immense attention and love from the viewers. The makers are released its first two Episodes that are massive hit among the viewers. Now the fans are eagerly excited to watch the new episode of the Korean Drama Show Brewing Love.
It is special that the scholars in India are filled with enthusiasm, attracted by the charm of the previous episode and are eagerly waiting to see what will happen next. With episode 3 being released on 11th November, viewers are eager to know about the streaming platform and timing. The third episode of the popular Korean drama Brewing Love is all set to enthrall the viewers as its premiere will take place in Korea today, November 11. Fans from all over the world, including India, can watch the episode on the streaming platform VikI at 22:00 KST (6:30 PM IST). With a 12-episode series, Browing Love is airing new episodes on Mondays and Tuesdays, ensuring that fans stay connected to the weekly episodes of this epic series. The regular schedule promises an exciting journey for the viewers as they follow the story unfolding in front of them.