The highly awaited Gujarati Drama comedy-drama series Goti Soda marks an outstanding comeback with her new fresh season. The previous seasons of the show were a massive hit and grabbed immense attention and love from the audience. Now the makers treat the with its new fresh season fifth. As the makers made the announcement of the release of its fifth season, the fans generated significant buzz on the internet. The Nava Rajwadi Falvour Ma promises even more laughter detraining. The comedy-drama quickly grabbed the eyeballs and premiered soon. The show has made its digital debut as the fans watch it in their comfort zone.
The much-loved Gujarati drama is set to entertain the audience with its new fifth season. The show made its digital debut on the streaming platform ShemarooMe form the 12th of September. The show has won hearts with its perfect blend of emotions and humor. The aim of Season 5 is to elevate the series further with two hilarious storylines. Ayushi's life takes a hilarious trust when his sister reveals he is adopted, leading to a series of comedic events. However, Papu cancels a family resort trip to join a donation drive and stage Mughal E Azam. He gets a director for free, but the director's escalating demands drive up production costs.