Directed by the ace director Vijay Sri, The new Tamil action thriller film Haraa will be making its digital debut on the OTT platform. The film has veteran actor Mohan in the lead role. At the latest, the film has got a premiered date. The film Haraa will be streamed on the OTT platform Aha that is generated immense buzz among the fans. The streaming platform treats the fans a outstanding news as the Tamil thriller is set to make its digital debut on 5 July. The film has received a good response from the viewers on its theatrical release. It has garnered immense praise and love from the viewers.
Haraa on the OTT platform
Haraa is a revenge drama film featuring veteran actor Mohan in the lead role. Mohan is a popular veteran actor and made his come back to the Tamil industry after 16 16-year break. The film Haraa revolves around the bond between father and mother. Now after the post of its theatrical run, the film streaming on the Tamil OTT platform for watch. The film premiered on 5 July, the streaming platform made the announcement. The film is directed by Vijay Sri. The film is the biggest comeback of the veteran actor Mohan.
About the Tamil film Haraa