One of the renowned actors Ashutosh Rana is gearing up for the success of the recent release series Murder In Mahim. Following the success of Ranneeti: Balakot & Beyond, Ashutosh Rana made a dashing swift comeback with his latest release series Murder In Mahim. This engaging Psychological thriller drama is set to premiere on Jio Cinema on May 10th. The series captivates the viewers with its intriguing plot. The audience is eagerly awaiting for the series. The series highlights Jo Cinema's premier offerings, with Ashutosh Rana and Vijay Raaz in the lead roles. Ashutosh Rana talks about the unique side of his character in the series.
Ashutosh Rana talks about his character
Recently, Ashutosh Rana shared insights into his approach to acting highlighting the importance of character over screen time. For him, each role is an opportunity to explore the different facets of his acting prowess. In the series Murde In Mahim Ashutosh Essays, the role yet alm determined marking a departure from your role and showcasing his versatility as an actor.
Murder In Mahim plot, storyline