Raj Acharya's directorial Murder In Mahim is a highly anticipated psychological thriller Drama that delves into the world of thriller and psychology—the web show features Vijay Raaz and Ashutosh Rana as the lead role players. Vijay Raaz is a versatile actor who is known for his incredible acting skills. Now after the web show Showtime, the actor gearing up for his series Murder in Mahim. Vijay delves into the character that exhibits a complex blend of humanity and aggression. In a recent media interaction, The actor Vijay Raaz reveals his character with enthusiasm, highlighting the depth and diversity of the character.
Vijay Raaz reveals his character as Jende
Vijay Raaz is one of the talented actors and recently in his latest series, He played the character of Jende in Murder In Mahim. Exploring his character Vijay said, Character Liein the script, But it is the artist's Job to interpret, define, and redefine each character, pushing it to another limit. It was fun to explore in various shades, be it with his humane side during the investigations and his aggressive side in his interpersonal relationships. Vijay Raaz portrays the character of Jende in the series.
Murder In Mahim OTT release
The show released on 3rd May 2024 on the OTT platform Jio Cinema. Jio Cinema took to its official social media account to share good news and wrote, Murder Hate Lies, The street of Mahim has a secret. Are you ready to uncover the truth? Murder In Mahim Streaming from 10th May onwards, exclusively streaming on Jio Cinema.
About Murder In Mahim
Murder In Mahim is not just a psychological thriller drama but also a social commentary. The series explores a chilling murder mystery and the dynamics of a lost friendship between two key characters, Peter and Jende. Ashutosh Rana plays the character of Peter and Vijay Raaz plays the pivotal role of Jende.