The new sensation of Korean drama series, that captivates the audience premiered last month to an enthusiastic reception from viewers. The Korean drama series My Sweet Mobster has received immense praise and positive responses from viewers for its captivating characters and gripping storyline. The drama series made its debut on 12 June, and so far nine episodes have been released. After the nine episodes, the fans are eagerly awaiting to watch the tenth episode of this highly anticipated web series. Korean dramas are a new sensation in this era. The audience in India is very excited to watch its tenth episode.
My Sweet Mobster Episode 10 release date and platform
After the release of nine episodes, the makers of the show are now treating the fans with its highly anticipated tenth episode of the show. The tent episode of My Sweet Mobster is set to release on 11 July. The show is set to stream on the OTT platforms. Recently the makers released the teaser of the series, My Sweet Mobster. The teaser gives a glimpse of how Sei Ji Hwan and Go Eun Ha will grow closer, with Ji Hwan displaying a strong sense of protectiveness and care towards Go Eun Ha.
My Sweet Mobster's cast and plot