The Malayalam thriller franchise Pavi Caretaker directed by Vineeth Kumar features Dileep Radhika Sarathkumar and Johny Antony in prominent roles. The film made its theatrical debut on 26 April 2024. The film garnered immense attention and praise from the audience. The film has generated immense buzz and gained positive reviews from the audience alike critics. The makers now treat the fans with digital debut. The fans are eagerly awaiting to watch the film online.
Pavi Caretaker OTT release platform and date
According to media reports, the makers of the film made an exciting announcement for the fans to make a digital debut of the much-anticipated film Pavi Caretaker. According to the source the Streaming platform Manorama Max acquires the rights to the OTT release of the film Caretaker. The platform announced that the film will soon be available for streaming. The film Pavi Caretaker is directed by Vineeth Kumar and written by Rajesh Raghavan. They eagerly await movie star Dileep, who plays the key role. However, yet the exact release date of the film is pending.
Pavi Caretaker cast and crew