The Telugu family drama series explores middle-class family comedy entertainment and the struggles they face. The comedy-drama show Veeranajaneyulu is one of the highly anticipated comedy films that are heading straight to the OTT platform. The Telugu comedy-drama is produced by B Bapineedu and Sudheer Edara, who earlier funded Priyamani's Bhamakalapam/ The motion poster of the film was released recently and the makers have started uniquely promoting the film. The film has recently launched its digital streaming date and platform.
Veeranajaneyulu Vihara OTT release date and platform
The family drama film is all set to receive immense praise and love from the audience. Now, the makers made an exciting announcement for the viewers as the Telugu drama is set to make its digital debut soon. Now the fans eagerly await to watch the comedy-drama film. The film is set to premiere on the streaming platform ETV WIn for a fancy amount. The film made its digital debut on the 14th of August.
Veeranajaneyulu cats and crew