The renowned screenwriter and lyricist Javed Akhta, is renowned for his work as part of the iconic duo Salim Javed as a writer and lyricist. The legendary Javed Akhtar recently opened up about the hardships he faced during his early days in Mumbai, then Bombay. In the three-part docu-series Angry Young Men, Akhtar took a trip down memory lane, recognizing the challenge he endured in pursuing a career in the film Industry. The three-part Docu series Angry Young Men is one of the highly anticipated dramas. The fans eagerly await to watch the drama series online.
Javed Akhtar recounting his early days
Recalling his struggling days in Mumbai, Javed Akhtar stated that he slept at the railway stations, in corridors, studio compounds, on benches, and so on. He recounted his early days in the city, where he struggled to find even the most necessities. Sometimes, he had to walk miles from Dadar to Bandra because he hadn't eaten for two days. He used to think that the day he wrote his autobiographies of someone who did, that day would make for an amazing moment. That thought would never crossed his mind that he wouldn't make it. He stated, that if anyone has been deprived of food or sleep in your life, it leaves a deep mark on you that you will never forget. When he goes to a five-star hotel with a large sprawling double-class train compartment, it used to take two days. There was no place to sit in the compartment, not even a place to lean against and he was deprived of sleep and how tired, he was, if only he had a little stretch of that double bed.
About Young Angry Men