The highly anticipated American Dark Fantasy Comedy Drama series Beetlejuice Beetlejuice has been making waves on the internet. The show has been smashing box office records worldwide and garnered much attention. The dark comedy thriller is directed by Tim Burton. It is one of the much talked show sequels that had its grand grand theatrical release last week on the 6th of September. The show quickly captured the attention of the audience and massive hit on the internet. The drama series has received positive responses from the audience as well as critics. The show has garnered significant praise and love from the viewers.
The comedy thriller Beetlejuice 2 is recently gearing up for its theatrical release all over the world. Now the fans are eagerly excited to watch the show online in their comfort zone. The show Beetlejuice 2 is set to make its digital debut on the streaming platform HBO MAX. Following the release pattern of Warner Bros maintaining 74 74-day gap from theatrical release to the OTT release. The film will be expected to release on MAX by the middle of November. The show is one of the much-awaited dark comedy thriller shows. According to reports, the film will also be available to purchase on Prime Video, Apple TV, and others.