The makers of Citadel: Honey Bunny released the trailer of the show on Tuesday, October 15. The show, starring Varun Dhawan and Samantha in the same leading cast, is directed by ace director Raj and DK, the main family members. The trailer takes no time in establishing what you want as a viewer. From the beginning, drama, fun, entertainment and all the excitement is visible there. This espionage world created by the Russo Brothers is interconnected.
Talking about his Character, Samantha said, "Having the opportunity to be a part of a big-time entertainer with an entertaining story, strong character arcs that defy international standards, hand-to-hand combat and stunts, he plays a unique role as well." "What possibility is there?" A collection of short stories of Judd, which I have planned or published. The challenges and efforts required to bring Honey to life have had a profound impact on me professionally and personally, making it one of the most important roles in my career. I am sure the audience will enjoy this series to its fullest, not only in India but in many countries and regions, it will be streamed on Prime Video."