Gaganchari, a dystopian sci-fi drama, starring Anarkali Mareekar, Ganesh Kumar, Gokul Suresh and Ayu Varges, will be one of the most popular Malayalam films in 2024 and best. Dynastic science-phatic drama film, directed by Arun Dwara, Chando receives a lot of love at the cinema awards. The storytelling, interpretation, performance and humor touched the hearts of the audience. The Show is received positive response at the box office as expected. The Show is generated immense buzz among the fans are garnered immense praise and love from the viewers. Now the fans are eagerly excited to watch the show online in their comfort Zone.
The much praised film will be released in theatrical form in Kerala in June 2024, and then in July 2024 will be released in India. After a very long delay, the movie finally gets released on its very own Lokapri streaming platform. Amazon Prime Video Directed by Arun Chandu, the film is available for streaming on OTT platform only in its native language Malayalam. Speaking of which, OTT viewers can stream movies with English subtitles. No language adaptation of the Dystopian science-phatic film has yet been published. The fans are now excited to watch on Prime Video.