After the two biggest successful Seasons of political thriller drama, the streaming platform Amazon Prime Video is coming with the third season of the highly anticipated series Panchayat. The show takes place in a rural area of India, and Jitendra Kumar plays the role of Abhishek Tripathi. In the show, Jitendra Kumar's role is a man from the city who is forced to live in the small village, of Phulera. and trying to settle down in a place that lacks facilities like cities. In a recent media interview, Jitendra Kumar reveals how he takes inspiration from Shah Rukh Khan's character from Swadesh.
Panchayat 3: Jitendra Kumar reveals about his inspiration
In a recent media interaction, Jitendra Kumar who portrays the role of an engineer as Abhishek Tripathi said that when he initially listened to the story, thought that there were some similarities between his character from SRK's Mohan from Swadesh. In Swadesh, He also reluctantly comes to his village just to live for a couple of days So we thought that people might highlight this. He said, He love Swadesh, so he was excited to do something in the same zone.
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