The Kannada Comedy thriller drama Moorane Krishnappa directed and written by Naveen Narayanaghatta is set to entertain the audience. The film is produced by Naveen Reddy G under the Red Dragon Films banner. The film features Sampath Maitreya and Rangayana Raghu in the prominent roles. The film generated massive buzz among the audience. It has received immense praise and positive feedback from the audience. The film is set to hit the big screen on May 24, 2024. After two months of its theatrical running, the film is set to make its debut digitally. The film is available to stream on the OTT platform Amazon Prime Video.
Moorane Krishnappa Cast and crew deets
The Kannada comedy-drama series Morrane Krishnappa boasts a talented ensemble star cast including Rangayana Raghu takes the role of Veerana. Supriya stars as Shashi, Veerana's daughter. While Sampath Maitreya takes the role of Krishnappa.Ugramm Manju portarsy ateh role Loki and Tukali Santosh plays Raghu. However, Aroshi Narayamn makes a cameo appearance in the film. The film is written and directed by Naveen Narayanaghatta. The film was produced by Mohan Reddy G. and Ravishankar. The music was composed by Anand Rajavikram.
Moorane Krishnappa Plot