The highly anticipated Telugu Drama series Bench Life is all set to mark its digital debut soon. The Telugu drama series stars Vaibhav Reddy, Charan Peri, and Ritika Singh in the lead roles. The series captivates the audience with its gripping storyline and impactful characters. The cast's outstanding performance provides the birth to the characters. The show has gained significant praise and love from the viewers.
Bench Life OTT release date and platform
The series Bench Life makes the second installment in the Telugu series after Trish Krishnan starrer Brinda to stream on the popular online platform. The upcoming Telugu drama Bench Life is expected to be available in all Southern Indian Languages, including Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam as well. With its mindful and light-hearted performance and new-age concept the Bench Life is highly anticipated. The much-awaited series is set to make its debut on the streaming platform Sony LIV on the 12th of September. Its trailer presents a humorous perspective on the frequently demanding realm of the corporate workplace. The show is helmed by Manasa Sharma.
Bench life's cast and plot