Bench Life is a web series that follows the comedy of misadventures of three quirky employees of Apcoh Tech in Hyderabad. For Balu, Meenakshi, and Ravi, there are personal reasons to scurry for a place on 'the bench' of the company, a status most shunned but for this trio, a much coveted idea. Eesha, their manager, is tackled with unresolved tensions by a mysterious new employee, Prasad Vassishta. Five fun-filled episodes take viewers on an unfolding ride, unpacking humor, drama, and unexpected turns of life in the tech industry.
Bench Life, is a five-part comedy drama set in the offbeat corporate world of a software company called Apcoh Tech, in the city of Hyderabad. It follows the lives of three employees, Balu (Vaibhav), Meenakshi (Ritika Singh), and Ravi (Charan Peri) who each have bizarre motivations for landing on their company's infamous "bench". In the corporate world, being on the bench means nobody assigns them to an active project, thus implicitly calls it a risky stage for the employee. But, for the trio in question, these three are seeking to get benched, around which the whole mystery revolves.